Buying a Home

10 great reasons to use Whittall Real Estate Team as your buyer’s agent.

1. Using a buyer’s agent is FREE to the buyer. In residential real estate, the commission is paid by the seller whether or not a buyer’s agent is involved. Meaning you employ the services and receive the benefits of a trained and experienced professional on your side for free!

2. Using a buyer’s agent gives you more negotiating power. A buyer’s agent helps you hold all the cards when negotiating with the seller.

3. It gives you full access to the MLS. As a member of the multiple listing service (MLS), Team Whittall has full access to the searchable database of MLS listings. We can ask you the right questions to determine what you are looking for and what areas you are most interested in. Once we know your price range and what you are looking for, we will use the full power of the MLS to help you find it. We can provide printouts, email reports, and do custom searches to find available homes that meet your criteria. We can also setup auto emails to notify you automatically if a listing comes on the market that meets your criteria. Sometimes we can even tell you about new listings before they come on the market.

4. Whittall Real Estate will save you valuable time. Why do something yourself when you can have a professional buyer’s agent do it for you? A Buyer’s agent spends a lot of time previewing homes and staying familiar with the current listing inventories. This knowledge — as well as useful technologies such as virtual tours, interactive maps, Internet websites, and use of the MLS system — will save you from wasting valuable time previewing homes that don’t meet your needs. Whittall Real Estate will also perform a lot of the services that you otherwise might have to do yourself such as writing up offers, delivering earnest money, contracts, etc. to the title companies and lenders.

5. It makes life easier and reduces stress. When you have a buyer’s agent, you don’t have to worry about driving neighbourhoods for hours or worrying that you’re missing the house that would be perfect for you. You can spend your time doing the things you enjoy while the search is being handled by someone else who is a professional. We’ve helped hundreds of people with their real estate needs, and our experience will help keep you from any unpleasant surprises throughout the entire buying process. When you use Whittall Real Estate, you’ll actually be surprised at how much we do for you behind the scenes. You don’t have to worry about the deadlines and “what ifs” because we do it for you.

6. Whittall Real Estate takes care of all the paperwork. From writing up the offer, to reviewing seller disclosures, to filling out escrow instructions, to reviewing the title work and closing documents. . . it’s nice to have a trained professional by your side to handle the paperwork and to help answer any questions you might have. Being that we’ve done this more than once, we’ll help you cross your T’s and dot your i’s and follow up with all the parties involved to make sure everyone meets their deadlines.

7. A buyer’s agent is a great resource of knowledge and information. Not only are we very familiar with the history and demographics of the area, but we know a lot about real estate. We will educate you about market conditions, and answer any questions you have about the home buying process, including Strata Docs, Residential Tenancy, redevelopment and the contract itself. Our goal is give you the best and most accurate information to help you make the best possible informed decisions.

8. You benefit from a network of professionals. Over time, we’ve developed good working relationships with several home inspectors, mortgage lenders, and other professional tax and legal advisors. We know from experience which ones have delivered on time consistently and which ones have fallen short of the bar. We’ll help you find the right professionals to help ensure a successful buying process without any regrets.

9. Whittall Real Estate looks out for your best interest at all times. We have a legal and ethical responsibility to represent your best interest at all times. Some of the duties that your agent has to include: loyalty to you, promoting your best interests, disclosing known material facts, maintaining confidential information, and accounting for any money they handle in the transaction. If your agent knows something about the seller that might influence your decision to buy or not or to alter your offering price, We have a duty to disclose that to you, it’s our Fiduciary duty. In short, it’s nice to know that someone has your back when you’re in the trenches of buying real estate.

10. It’s nice to have a friend in the business. One of the things we enjoy most about working with Buyers & Sellers are the friendships and relationships that are formed. Our goal is to provide you with outstanding professional services and make sure you feel the same way once the transaction is completed. Your friendship and trust mean more to us than any compensation we get from selling real estate. We hope that if you ever need help buying or selling real estate in the future, or if you know anyone that needs help buying or selling real estate, that you’ll give us a call!


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Whittall Real Estate Team

Rennie & Associates Realty Ltd

2429 Marine Drive   West Vancouver,  BC  V7V 1L3 

Phone: 604-880-9400